business card and letterhead portfolio

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Business Cards, Letterhead & Business Forms


A bold, creative business card allows you to make a great first impression.

  • Cards can be gloss or matte, 1-sided, 2-sided or die cut for rounded corners.* There are endless possibilities and together we can come up with just the right material, size, shape and printer for your cards.
  • Full color, just one or two colors or even metallic inks can be used.*
  • After we have finalized a design for your business cards, I can provide you with print-ready files or I can place your order with one of my reputable, preferred printers.

*Options may vary depending on your commercial printers' specifications.



A clean, professional looking letterhead is essential to any business.

  • Designed for Commercial Print: After we have finalized a design for your letterhead, I can provide you with print-ready files or I can place your order with one of my reputable, preferred printers.
  • Print as Needed: Clients may choose to have a custom, editable** Microsoft Word letterhead template created that they can email or print whenever needed.

**Editable Microsoft Word documents can be most economical for small businesses; however, they do have a few design limitations. If you are considering having letterhead designed, contact me and we can discuss the details of your project.